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The printer is controlled by settings in a set of ini files. Please see the section about configuration files for more information.

Here is a sample of a settings.ini file.


If you use this printer from a program it is possible to change the settings directly from within your program. Take a look at the API documentation for more information on programmatic control.

You can change the settings listed in the table below.

PDF Printer Settings

The output setting allows you to direct the output of the PDF printer to a specific file. When this setting is set the printer will not ask the user for a destination file name. When setting the output it must specify a valid file name including the full path for a PDF document. I.e. C:\TEMP\TEST.PDF where c:\temp is a valid folder. If the output folder does not exist then the PDF generation will fail.

The output setting allows macro names as part of the file name. The following macro names can be used:

<date>The current date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. more...
<time>The current time in the format more...
<username>Logged on user. more...
<computername>Computer name. more...
<title>Title of the printed document. more...
<author>Author of the printed document. more...
<guid>System generated GUID. more...
<docname>Document name. more...
<basedocname>Base part of the document name. This macro gives you the part of document name up to the last dot. If the document name is a file name then the resulting value is the file name without an extension. more...
<personal>Location of personal files. more...
<env:environmentstring> This macro allows you to query the values of the environment variables. I.e. <env:username> is substituted with the logged in user name. more...
<pageno> Page number for use in image creation. When creating images there will typically be one output file for each page in the original document. By using additional information in the <pageno> macro, you can control the padding width and character. <pageno,3> will pad the page number to a width of 3 characters (001, 002, etc.). <pageno,3,-> will use a dash as padding character and produce a different result (--1, --2, etc.). more...
<counter>The value of a system counter. more...
<utc>The current UTC date and time. more...
<now>The current date and time. more...
<ticks>A large integer that represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001. more...
<vbs:function> Call a VB Script function and insert the return value of this function. The function must be in a .vbs file in the MacroDir. You can also write VB Script expressions directly in the macro. I.e. <vbs:MyFunction> is substituted with the return value of a function named MyFunction. <vbs:2+2> is substitured with 4. more...

When using the macro names in the settings.ini file the output parameter could look something like this:

Output=<env:appdata>\<docname> <date>.pdf

SmarttitleFind1 and SmarttitleReplace1 If you use the <smarttitle> tag in the output setting, it will use some built-in settings to find and replace text from the file name. With the settings SmarttitleFind1 and SmarttitleReplace1 you can extend the set of find and replace strings used by the smarttitle macro tag.



These lines in the configuration will search for abc and replace it with ABC. It will also search for 123 and remove it.
ConfirmOverwriteDetermines if the user has to confirm the overwrite of an existing PDF file.
values: yes (default), no
ConfirmNewFolderWarn the user before creating new folders if the output file name contains folders that does not exist yet.
values: yes (default), no
ShowSaveASWhen should the "Save AS" dialog be shown? If you use the "nofile" setting then the dialog is only shown if no output setting is specified.
values: nofile (default), always, never.
ShowSettingsThis setting determines if the user will see the settings dialog when a PDF is created.
values: always, never.
ShowPDFSpecifies if the resulting PDF file should be shown after generation. This setting can have the following values: yes, no, ask.
OpenFolderSetting openfolder=yes will open the output folder in the file explorer when the conversion is done.
values: yes, no (default).
AfterPrintProgramThe AfterPrintProgram setting is a hook into the printing process. If you specify this setting it must contain a valid command line that will be launched when the PDF document is created. The command line can include the %1 token that will be substituted with the full path of the created PDF file. %2 will be the number of pages created. %3 is the number of files created. %4 is the path the status file. The command specified here will run regardless of the result of the document creation. For conditional command lines you should use RunOnSuccess and RunOnError.
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AfterPrintProgramDirYou can use this setting to specify the current directory for the execution of the AfterPrintProgram command line.
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The mode is used to control if the program is started as hidden, normal, minimized, or maximized.
values: normal (default), hide, minimized, maximized.
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RunOnSuccessLike the AfterPrintProgram setting this specifies a command line that will be executed if the document was successfully created. %1, %2, %3 and %4 will have the same function as with AfterPrintProgram.
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RunOnSuccessDirUsing this setting you can optionally set the current directory when the RunOnSuccess command line is executed.
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Works like AfterPrintProgramMode for the RunOnSuccess setting.
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RunOnErrorA command line that should be run in case of an error. %1, %2, %3 and %4 will have the same function as with AfterPrintProgram. You should consider setting SuppressErrors=yes when you use the RunOnError setting.
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RunOnErrorDirCurrent directory for the command line set in the RunOnError setting.
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Works like AfterPrintProgramMode for the RunOnSuccess setting.
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StatusFileThe full path of a file name used as a status file. A status file is created after the print job. This file holds information about the last operation.
This setting determines the character encoding of the status file set in the StatusFile setting. The default is Unicode encoding without the 0xFF 0xFE header. If you use the Unicode value for this setting then the file will have the header bytes. By default it is left out for backward compatibility.
values: ASCII, Unicode.
ShowProgressUsing this setting you can optionally disable the progress notification in the system tray. By default the progress indicator is shown.
values: yes, no.
ShowProgressFinishedThe current version shows a balloon tip when the document is created. You can disable this tip by setting this value to no.
values: no, yes.
DisableOptionDialogDisable the user from running the printer options program. The most common place for this setting is in the global.ini file.
values: yes, no.
GhostscriptTimeoutUse this setting to change the timeout value for Ghostscript operations. If your print jobs are very large, the default timeout of 300 seconds may be too little. The value of this setting is the number of seconds the printer will wait for Ghostscript to finish creating the PDF document.
RememberLastFileNameRemember the last file name specified by the user.
values: yes, no (default).
RememberLastFolderNameRemember the last folder name specified by the user.
values: yes, no (default).
SuppressErrorsIf you choose to suppress errors then the dialog showing error information will not be shown. This is particular useful if you share the printer or use the RunOnError setting.
values: yes, no (default).
MacroDirBe default the printer scans the macros folder for VBS files when loading the VBScript macros. This setting can change location where the macros are loaded from.
values: any valid path to a folder.
LicenseFileLoad a different license file. With this setting you can make the printer load a different license file. By default it looks for a license.xml in the program folder of the printer. This setting is most often used in redistribution scenarios.
LicenseDataAs an alternative to the LicenseFile setting, you can use the LicenseData to set a specific license when creating a PDF. When you have a redistribution license, this is the preferred way to do it. Set the LicenseData value when you create your runonce.ini file using the API.

The license data you set in this value is something that you receive when you order the redistribution license.
ExtractTextTells the printer to make a text representation of the print job. This text can be parsed by event handlers in VBScript and used for setting document properties.
values: yes, no (default)
TextFileNameIf you use the ExtractText feature, you can use the TextFileName setting to tell the printer which file name and path to use when the saving the text file.
ImageCompressionBy default the images in your PDF document will be compressed to make the resulting document smaller in size. This compressiona can be turned on and off with this setting
values: no (default), yes
With the commercial distiller, you can choose which image compression type you want to use. Flate compression produces the best results with artificial images such as screenshots and diagrams. JPEG compression is better for photos. This setting only works with image compression turned on.
values: flate (default), jpeg
The commercial distiller supports different levels of compression. Choosing a higher level will normally result in a smaller document and longer processing times. This setting only works with image compression turned on.
values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (default)
When using JPEG compression with the commercial distiller, you can set the quality using this setting. The quality is specified as an integer from 0 to 100 (best). This setting only works with image compression turned on.
values: 0 - 100 (default is 75)
PDF Watermark Settings
WatermarkTextThe text you want in your watermark.
WatermarkRotationThe water mark can be rotated. Specify an integer value between 0 and 360. You can also specify the value 'c2c' or '-c2c'. This will rotate the watermark in the direction 'Corner to Corner'.
WatermarkColorThe color of the watermark. Color values are specified as HTML colors in an #RRGGBB format. If this value is specified it will override the WatermarkTransparency setting.
WatermarkFontNameName of a truetype font file. The default value is arial.ttf.
WatermarkFontSizeSize of the font used in the watermark. The default size is 45.
WatermarkOutlineWidthBy default the watermark is written with an outlined font. You can customize the with of the outline.
values: an integer value. (default = 2)
WatermarkLayerThe watermark can act both as a watermark and a stamp. Some applications prints in a way that will hide watermarks that are placed under the original print. Here it comes in handy to be able to place the text above the original print.
values: top (default), bottom.
WatermarkVerticalPositionThe vertical position of the watermark.
values: top, center (default), bottom.
WatermarkHorizontalPositionThe horizontal position of the watermark.
values: left, center (default), right.
WatermarkVerticalAdjustmentAdjustment in the vertical position of the watermark. The specified value is a percentage of the page height.
WatermarkHorizontalAdjustmentAdjustment in the horizontal position of the watermark. The specified value is a percentage of the page width.
WatermarkSizeThis setting is obsolete. Use WatermarkFontSize instead.
Old description: An integer value between 1 and 100 indicating the size of the watermark text. The default value is 6.
PDF Merge Settings
MergeFileSpecifies a PDF file name if you want to merge the current output with an existing PDF file. Merge operations involving multiple documents are documented here
MergePositionIf you specify a merge file this parameter will determine the position of current PDF output in the merged result. Valid values are 'bottom' (append) and 'top' (prepend). The default is 'bottom', which will append your current PDF output to the PDF file specified in the MergeFile parameter.
SuperimposeWith the superimpose parameter you can lay two documents on top of each other. The superimpose parameter must point to a PDF file name, which will be the template. All pages of your current output will be created with the first page of the superimposed PDF file as background. Please note that if your current output paints the background you will not be able to see the template underneath.

Setting different backgrounds for individual pages
version 6
Much like the watermark layer setting you can also control if the superimposed document is placed over or under the current print job.
values: top, bottom (default).
version 6
When the superimposed document is prepared for the operation some parts of it is rasterized. Use the SuperimposeResolution setting to control the resolution used in this operation. A higher resolution will result in a better quality but also increase the size of the created document. If you are running the professional or expert editions then you can specify the value 'vector' instead of a number. This will normally produce the best result.
values: vector or 1 - 14400 (300 or 600 are fine for most documents).
PDF Security Settings
OwnerPasswordPassword for the owner of the document.
UserPasswordPassword for the users of the document.
KeyLengthSpecifies the length of the encryption key. Supported lengths are 40, 128, and 256 bits. The default key length is 128 bits. Later versions also support AES encryption.
values: 40, 128 (default), AES128, AES256
PermissionsPermissions that apply to the users who access the document via the user password. See the permissions section for more details.
PDF Document Settings
TargetThe target device sets the quality of the PDF document. Better quality results in larger PDF files. Available targets are screen, ebook, printer, prepress and default. Please note that it is case sensitive. Specifying an invalid value will most likely result in an empty pdf file.
AuthorAuthor of the PDF document.
UseDefaultAuthorThe default author of the document can be used in case no author is set using the Author setting.
values: yes, no.
TitleTitle of the PDF document.
UseDefaultTitleThe default title of the document can be used in case no title is set using the Title setting.
SubjectSubject of the PDF document.
KeywordsKeywords of the PDF document.
CreatorThe name shown as the application that created the PDF.
ProducerThe PDF Producer as shown in the PDF properties.
PDF Display Settings

Specifies the initial zoom factor of the PDF document when it is viewed. The value is the zoom factor in percent. If no zoom value is specified or the value is 0 (zero) then the initial view will fit the document to the window of the reader. Please note that not all viewers respect this setting.

You can also specify the constants fitall or fitwidth. fitall will set a zoom factor that will allow the whole page to be shown. This is the default value since version 4. fitwidth adjusts the zoom to the width of the page.

UseThumbsDetermines if the initial view of the document will include a list of thumbnail images for all the pages in the document.
values: yes, no (default).
AutoRotatePagesWhen a PDF is displayed in a PDF reader the page orientation is dictated by the PDF file. During the creation of a PDF file this orientation is written as a setting for each page in the file. The AutoRotatePages setting can help you control how this information is generated. If you enable auto rotation of pages then the orientation will be based on the content of the page. By leaving this setting blank you let the printer determine the orientation on a page by page basis. Automatic page rotation can be disabled if you specify none.
values: none, all.
OrientationBy using the orientation setting you can force the display of the pages to use a specific orientation. If the orientation is set then it will override the value of the AutoRotatePages setting. By default this setting is not set.
values: portrait, landscape, seascape, upsidedown.
LinearizeUsing the linearize feature you can make the first page of the PDF file display faster if it is opened from a web site and shown in a browser.
values: yes, no (default).

In Adobe Reader this will make it display Fast Web View: Yes in the document properties.
Image Creation Settings
version 6
"bmpmono", "bmpgray", "bmpsep1", "bmpsep8", "bmp16", "bmp256", "bmp16m", "bmp32b", "epswrite", "pswrite", "psraw", "jpeg", "jpeggray", "pcxmono", "pcxgray", "pcx16", "pcx256", "pcx24b", "pcxcmyk", "pngmono", "pnggray", "png16", "png256", "png16m", "pngalpha", "tiffgray", "tiff12nc", "tiff24nc", "tiff32nc", "tiffsep", "tiffcrle", "tiffg3", "tiffg32d", "tiffg4", "tifflzw", "tiffpack", "pdfwrite", "docwrite"
version 6
This setting is used to limit the choice of devices during image creation. The DeviceList setting can be set to a comma separated list of valid devices. DeviceList=png16m,jpeg will only allow output formats of JPEG and PNG type.
version 6
Resolution of image in dots per inch. Unless values are specified in ResX or ResY this values is used for both horizontal and vertical resolution. The default value is 150.
version 6
Horizontal resolution of image.
version 6
Vertical resolution of image.
version 6
Determines the quality of antialiasing for text elements.
values: 1, 2, 4 (default)
version 6
Determines the quality of antialiasing for graphics elements.
values: 1, 2, 4 (default)
Digital Signatures and Certificates
SignStoreLocation Tells the printer where it should look for the certificate identified by the value set in the SignThumbprint setting. This can be a file or the certificate store on the machine. The certificate store can be either the user's certificate store or the machine's store.
Values: file, currentuser, localmachine
SignStoreName Used together with SignStoreLocation and SignThumbprint to locate a certificate in the certificate store on the machine.
Values: my (Personal certificates), addressbook (Other users), authroot (Third-party certification authorities), certificateauthority (Intermediate certification authorities), disallowed (Revoked certificates), root (Trusted root certification authorities), trustedpeople (Trusted people), trustedpublisher (Trusted publishers)
SignThumbprint The thumbprint value that uniquely identifies a certificate in the user or machine's certificate store.
version 9.2
Full path to certificate file used for the signature. This is normally a PFX file, which is a certificate with a private key and a password.
version 9.2
Password for accession the key in the certificate file.
version 9.2
Optional reason for signing.
version 9.2
Optional location of signing. This is not the location of the signature mark in the signed document.
version 9.2
Defines if there should be a visible signature in the document.
values: yes, no (default).
version 9.2
X-coordinate of the left lower corner for the visible signature. Coordinates are given in units of 1/72 of an inch from the lower left corner of the paper.
version 9.2
Y-coordinate of the left lower corner for the visible signature.
version 9.2
X-coordinate of the right upper corner for the visible signature.
version 9.2
Y-coordinate of the right upper corner for the visible signature.
version 9.2
Page number the visible signature is shown on. Starting with build, you can set a value of -1, which will place the signature on the last page.
Other Settings
CompatibilityLevel PDF readers support different versions of the PDF format specification. You can use this setting to tell the printer to make your document compliant with a specific PDF version.
values: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 (default), 1.6, 1.7
Use this setting to make the resulting PDF document PDF/A-1B compliant. The default value is blank. If you change the value to pdfa1b it will try to make the document PDF/A-1b compliant.
In the process of creating PDF or image files a set of temporary files are created. These files can contain the same sensitive information as the printed document. Before the printer process unloads it will delete the temporary files. However, in some situations it is not enough an you want to wipe these files before deleting them.
values: 3pass, none (default)
Setting this value to yes will enable you to re-distill encrypted PDF documents without being prompted to confirm ownership of the content.
values: yes, no (default)
When this setting is not set then the shared option sets are located in the common application data area. On a typical English Window 7 machine that would be C:\ProgramData\PDF Writer\PRINTER NAME\Option Sets. In case you want to share the option sets with other users on the network then you can change this setting to point to a folder on a network location.
Sometimes you would like to append to an existing output file if the specified output file already exists. With this setting you can make that the default behavior. The program will no longer prompt the user to overwrite an existing file if this setting is set to yes.
values: yes, no (default)
When customizing the PDF writer you might want to substitute the normal user interface with your own. If you use this setting to point to an executable file then it will be shown instead of the built in dialogs. The file name you specify can be either relative to the printer's application folder or absolute. See Custom User Interface for more information on this.
This setting will control if fonts are included in the resulting PDF document. When you embed the font the recipient will get the full font with the PDF document. If the recipients should be able to edit the PDF with a PDF editor then you should use this setting. Embedding fonts will increase the size of the PDF document.
values: no, yes (default value depends on distiller)
By only including a subset of the used fonts the document will be smaller compared to embedding all fonts. The recipient should still be able to view your document without having the same font installed.
values: no, yes (default value depends on distiller)
Specify the color model you want the distiller to use when processing the print job. The color model may affect how specific colors in your print job will look.
values: RGB, CMYK, GRAY
In case both the Ghostscript and the PStill distiller installed with the printer then you can use the distiller setting to control which distiller is used. It will use the value from the distiller.ini in the printer's program folder if this setting is blank.
values: Ghostscript, PStill
DeleteOutput Sometimes it can be useful to delete the output after it is created. It may seem a bit strange but in scenarios where you use RunOnSuccess, RunOnError, or AfterPrintProgram, you may not need the output file anymore at this stage.
values: no (default), yes
User Interface Settings
HideTabs Hide tabs in the printing dialog. Specify a list of tab identifiers that you want to hide from the dialog that is shown when the user prints a PDF document.

hidetabs=general,dialogs,document,image,watermark,merge, security
HideOptionTabs Hide tabs in the options dialog. Using the global.ini you can use the HideOptionTabs to hide specific tabs in the options dialog. Use it with a comma separated list of tab identifiers.

hideoptiontabs=general,dialogs,document,image,watermark,merge, security,actions,signature,run,upload,other
version 10.10
Upload to FTP or HTTP
UploadProtocol1 Sets the protocol for the upload of the document.
values: ftp, sftp, http, https
UploadServerAddress1 Specify the server that will receive the uploaded document. Depending on the protocol, this can be a fully qualified server name or an IP address. For protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS, it can also be a URL for the upload script on the server that will receive the file.
UploadServerPort1 The port number on the server. This is used with FTP and SFTP transfers.
values: 21 is default for FTP and 22 for SFTP.
UploadRetries1 You can specify retry intervals if you want the program to retry the upload in case it fails. This setting is a list of numbers. Each number is the delay in seconds until the next retry will happen.
example: 3,5,10 will wait 3 seconds before the first retry, then another 5 seconds until the next etc.
UploadUserName1 When server authentication is required, you can set this user name.
values: The FTP/SFTP user name defaults to anonymous if it is not set.
UploadPassword1 The password used for server authentication.
values: The password defaults to anonymous if no user name or password is set.
UploadRemoteFile1 Enter the name and maybe the path of the destination file on the server. You can use macros to define this name. For FTP or SFTP uploads you could specify something like /remotedir/remotefile.ext.
values: The remote file name defaults to <output>.
UploadPermissions1 Use this setting to specify the permissions on the uploaded file. The FTP server will set the default file permissions if this is not specified. Standard Chmod numbers are used to set permissions.
example: 777 means readable, writable and executable by all users.
UploadServerValidationType1 This setting is used with SFTP to tell the server which type of validation it should use. The client then tries to validate the server's certificate or public key.
values: none, automatic
version 12.3
Algorithm used for authentication when using SFTP.
values: automatic (default), RSA, DSA
UploadKnownHosts1 For SFTP you can optionally enter a list of know host names and their key file. The list must have the for shown here: servername1|keyfile1*servername2|keyfile2 etc...
UploadAuthenticationType1 Possible types of client authentication.
values: password, publickey, publickeyandpassword
UploadPrivateKeyFile1 A private key can be used to authenticate the client with the server. If your server requires that you authenticate with at private key, you can specify it here.
UploadPrivateKeyPassword1 Here you should enter the password for your key file.
Send Email
version 10.14
Send the document in an email.
values: no (default), yes
version 10.14
A list of email addresses separated by a semicolon.
version 10.14
A list of email addresses separated by a semicolon.
version 10.14
A list of email addresses separated by a semicolon.
version 10.14
Subject of the email.
version 10.14
Body text of the email. The body can be either plain text or HTML depending on the value in EmailBodyType.
version 10.14
This specifies if the body is plain text, HTML or formatted text. When the formatted type is selected then a plain text body is converted to HTML content. This helps it display correctly in some email clients.
values: text (default), html, formatted
version 10.14
Instead of setting the body text in the EmailBody setting, you can specify a file name. Then it will load the body text from the specified file.
version 10.14
The email will always have the created file attached. If you want to attach other files then you can specify a list of files separated by |. You should specify the full path of the file names. All files should be on local drives to avoid any authentication problems.
Ex. EmailAttachments=file1|file2|file3
version 10.14
Here you can specify the server name of an SMTP server. If you specify a server then the email will be sent automatically instead of being shown in the default email client. When you send via SMTP it may be helpful to specify your own email address in the EmailBcc list, so that you can keep a copy of the email.
version 10.14
If your SMTP server does not use the default port 25, you can set the port number here.
values: 25 (default)
version 10.14
When sending SMTP mails, you need to specify a sender email address.
version 10.14
User name for the SMTP server authentication.
version 10.14
Password for the SMTP server authentication.
version 10.14
Some SMTP servers such as GMail require SSL communication.
values: no (default), yes
version 10.14
If the sending of the email fails, you can tell it to retry. This setting is a comma separated list of intervals between each retry. Ex. 0.5,1,2 will retry after half a second, then again after 1 second and then wait another 2 seconds before giving up.
values: no retry (default)
Control if the default email signature is used when the client type is Outlook.
values: yes, no (default)
Select the email client type to use for sending emails. Older versions of Outlook may need to use the mapi, mapi32, or mapi64 options.
values: auto (default), outlook, smtp, mapi, mapi32, mapi64
Print To Printer
version 10.14
Send the document to another printer. You can use this setting to print the created PDF file to a normal printer after the PDF is finished.
values: no (default), yes
version 10.14
Name of printer to print to if a specific printer is used.
version 10.14
By default the program will protect you from creating an infinite loop where you send the print job to the PDF printer again. This protection can be turned off.
values: no, yes (default)
version 10.14
How the printer will be selected. You can use the default printer, ask the user, or use the PrinterName setting to specify a specific printer.
values: usedefault (default), ask, specific
version 10.14
Show render progress.
values: no (default), yes
version 10.14
Set the color depth of the rendered print job.
Valid values are 1, 4 (default), 8, 24.
version 10.14
Name of print job in the spooler queue.
version 10.14
Maximum DPI resolution for print job.
version 10.14
Scale the content to fit the paper.
values: no (default), yes
version 10.14
Page number of first page to print.
version 10.14
Page number of last page to print. 0 is default and will print all pages after the first selected page.
version 10.14
Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for print job to render. The default is 2 minutes (120000 milliseconds).
Microsoft Word Documents
version 10.14
Different methods can be used when the print job is rendered as a MS Word document. Depending on the printing program some methods will work better than others.
values: "exact", "flowing", "continuous" (default)
Attachment Settings
AttachmentFile1Full path of the file to attach to the PDF document. Not all file types are allowed for security reasons.
AttachmentName1The file name as it appears in the PDF attachment list. Remember the extension when you specify the attachment name.

The values of these settings are stored in configuration files. Remember the [PDF Printer] section tag before you list the settings in the file.

Search words: output watermark confirm overwrite superimpose merge resolution
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